A little bit about us:

My name is Sean, and if you don't know me personally, I'm sorry for that void you must feel in your life. Some of my fondest memories growing up were in the kitchen with my mom, learning how to cook. She taught me almost everything I know, and the rest I've just been improvising! In no way, shape or form am I a classically trained chef, so I will never call myself such. I'm just a simple guy that loves to cook, entertain people, and try to do a little good in the world. 

On the other side of the camera (and occasionally on it) is my girlfriend and heckler, Bobbi. While I'm busy keeping you all entertained with my antics, she's operating behind the scenes to interact with all of our amazing viewers, keeping track of paperwork during auctions and overall keeping the production, or lack thereof, operating as smoothly as possible with two non-professionals at the helm. 

The last member of our on-camera crew is Tootsie the Terrible! You can usually find her barking at important parts of the show purely to interrupt and cause a ruckus. When she isn't making noise, she's running several attempts to hump the legs of everyone standing in the room. So naturally, she is the most beloved of all of us! In earlier episodes, you may catch a glimpse of our late Precious the Wonder Dog. She was the original CWS puppy star, and was the most requested presence for the better part of the 5+ years we've been operating. Unfortunately she passed earlier in 2023, but is forever immortalized in our logo!

Our cooking show is live every Sunday at 7PM EST/STD time. The last Sunday of every month we hold a charity auction with 100% of the proceeds going to that charity that was selected for that month (however we are in the process of taking a break from them for the summer). We don't make a penny off of the auctions! When we are able to, we have a guest artist come on our show to add a special piece of their original work to the auction. Once the auction has ended and you've won your item(s), we ship it out at no extra charge! 

When a recipe on the show doesn't go as planned (in other words, I screw up), we have what we have dubbed the Spinning Wheel of Doom! It is chock full of punishments that Bobbi and our creative team deem worthy enough to hurt me with. Check out the videos on this page for a slow-mo shot of her impeccable aim at our first annual Paintball Palooza- my nuts still haven't fully recovered. There's also my review of pineapple on pizza, which I had for the first time not too long ago. These are just a taste of what awaits you every Sunday!